Allocate unsold spectrum at a price of Vodafone Idea.
Ahead of 5G auctions, Vodafone Idea MD and CEO Ravinder Takkar has said that the company should consider “allocating” spectrum which is left unsold to mobile operators at a certain market-discover price as companies are scaling networks to fulfill the country’s growing digital consumption.
Takkar is leading the turnaround strategy for Vodafone Idea which is struggling with a Rs 1.9-lakh-crore debt and heavy losses, and he also said that the company is gradually moving towards sorting out its financial woes as it reaps synergies of the merger between Vodafone India and Idea cellular, while seeking to close in on an estimated Rs 20,000 crore in fresh funding very soon.
The only headwinds before getting the external funding to be divided equally between debt and equity are the wait for the government to fulfill its promise to invest in the company via converting its Rs 16,000-crore interest demand into a near 33% equity. It is a process and it would take much time to complete. Why someone would put money in it when they do not know how much the government will own? For a third-party investor, the government holding will be important for investors.
On takkar suggestion of allocating unsold spectrum to mobile operators at a price, he said that it can be considered as one of the options.
If you look at the last auction that took place in February 2021, there was like 60% spectrum that was unsold. So anybody can allocate maybe you should consider just giving the spectrum away at a price because there is price recovery element,” he said. Considering about financial performance of Vodafone Idea, takkar said the company has managed to improve its average revenue per user (ARPU) owning to tariff hikes and operational efficiencies. Asked whether the revival is led only by the government’s bailout package, he said.
The best way to make money without taking any risk
Investors who have invested in companies like Vodafone Idea and yes bank a decade ago today the amount of the shares have shrunk and many investors lost their wealth in these companies.
These days there is a slowdown in the stock market due to the Russia-Ukraine invasion. Nobody knows what will happen next and whether the market will get back on track or not. In this situation, if you are looking for a safe way to invest. Then read this entire article you would get to know about how to make money in philately.
Philately is a hobby of collecting stamps and study of stamps postage history. And anybody can do this as a hobby or to make, but most the people collect stamps and miniature sheets for making money and it gives a return in long term, the best part about philately is that there is no risk and losing money. So if you want to invest in philately and collecting stamps to make a moderate gain, then I show a stamp that has given more return.
Headgears of India Miniature Sheet
Headgears of India Miniature Sheet were issued on 10th January 2017. Most people wear headgears or turbans in India to signify social and community values, and the stamp brought 16 stamps on headgears in different parts of the country to celebrate the invaluable role played by the caps, hats, and turbans.
The miniature sheet was released by The Department of Indian Post. The sheet of headgears initial price was only ₹10 and as of today, its value is ₹825 its gain in just five years. That means every stamp has its own value and if hold it for the long term maybe you can also gain profit. We hope you would buy stamps and hold them.
Steps for buying stamps and miniature sheets Step.
1: Register to with your credential details.
2: pick the stamp from the menu bar.
3: click on add to cart to proceed ahead.
4: Click on proceed to checkout to pay.
5: fill out the form of billing details and proceed to pay.