19-08-2001: 60th Anniversary of August Revolution, Ballia, U.P. (2002) First Day cover (FDC)

Original price was: ₹240.00.Current price is: ₹199.00.

The August Revolution that took place in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh during 19 August 1942 represented an important chapter in the political history of India. The rebellion was a direct response to the prevalent issues of social inequality, economic inequality and political corruption. The August Revolution emerged from the oppressive conditions experienced by marginalized communities, especially farmers and laborers. August Revolution In Ballia, as in many other parts of India, agrarian distress and land disputes have exacerbated existing tensions among the underprivileged. India Post released first day cover on the occasion of celebration of 60th Anniversary of August Revolution, Ballia, U.P. (2002) First Day cover (FDC)

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