Greetings may include an exchange of formal gestures, a hug, or a handshake. The form of greeting is determined by the relations of the social people. Greetings may include a handshake or verbal Acceptance, but facial expression body language and eye contact can indicate what type of greeting is expected. An oral salutation is a customary phrase used to introduce or greet. Greeting habits are culture-specific. Voicemail greetings are recorded messages that are automatically played for callers. If would you like to collect a Greeting Miniature sheet as well as other Indian stamps then visit
01-12-2009: Greeting Miniature Sheet
Original price was: ₹800.00.₹760.00Current price is: ₹760.00.
greeting is a function of connection in which humans make each other aware of their presence and reveal a type of relationship or social status between groups of people. The greeting is sometimes used before a conversation or to greet someone nearby. Greeting customs can vary greatly within a culture, depending on culture and social status and relationships. The greeting can be expressed physically or audibly. Greetings can also be expressed in letters and emails. On this occasion, Indian Post Department released a set of four Greeting Miniature Sheets on 1st December 2009. In some cultures, the gesture is used as both a greeting and a farewell.
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