12-02- 2011: Indipex 2011, 100 years of Airmail commemorating 100 years of Allahabad Naini Flight Miniature Sheet

Original price was: ₹600.00.Current price is: ₹560.00.

Indian Post department released Indipex 2011, 100 years of Airmail commemorating 100 years of Allahabad Naini Flight Miniature Sheet, In 2011, Indipex 2011 was consolidated by the Indian Postal Department Government of India under the aegis of Federation International de Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP) in association with the Philatelic Congress of India. The World Philatelic Exhibition as Indipex 2011 was held from 12 to 18 February at Pragati Maidan Complex, New Delhi in India. The first International Philatelic exposition was organized in India in 1954 to commemorate the completion of 100 years.

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