17-09-2008: Sir Pitti Theagarayar Proponent of Cottage Industry Indian Stamp


Sir Pitti Thegarayar Chetty was an Indian lawyer, industrialist, and prominent political leader of the then-Madras Province. Sir Theagarayar Pitti was one of the founders of the Justice Party in 1916. He was born in Madras, Presidency, on April 27, 1852. Sir Thiagaraya Chetty After graduating from Presidency College, he served as an MLA in Madras. In 1917, he served as a member of the Indian National Congress. Sir Theagarayar Pitti served as the President of the Federation from 1917 to 1925. Sir Theagarayar Pitti had done his education in Chennai and graduated in law from Presidency College, Madras. Then he entered public life and served as a member of the Madras Corporation from 1882 to 1922.

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