Adwaitya was at an estimated age of 255 years and its weight was around 250-251kg. The last relict sample of Adwaita was kept in a secluded enclosure by the visitors. Because it was put in place to keep it from being teased. Adwaitya was the oldest tortoise in modern time, 80 years older than Harriet and 67 years older than Tue Malila. Was posted by India Postage on 2 August 2008, And it was announced to build two monuments of the Adwaitya tortoise with an Indian Stamp. Adwaitya tortoise belonged to the reptile species, It is can survive on land as well as in water. The tortoise has shells over them which protect them from dangers. Due to the large number of cells, they can see in the dark of night. If you are looking for a Miniature sheet, you visit our Website
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